Maureen Greenwood takes us to a typical London garden in A Front Garden Muswell Hill. However, it is the imagery of the typical space that empowers us to enjoy the sights of the seasons. Vivid orange hues and magnificent reds showcase a splendour of colour that make us all want to plant a stunning garden. The piece maintains a quality almost reminiscent of the impressionistic style of Renoir, but with a still life quality depicted by Van Gough.
A Front Garden Muswell Hill reminds us that it is the simple things in life that are so meaningful and those with a green thumb literally hold the world in their hand, or clay pot, as the painting depicts. The broad spectrum of the painting makes you want to walk through the door just to see who lives at the home. Although the garden features are the main point of the painting, it is the way the home is painted that makes this piece so impressive.
As we can see in the painting, the home is very loved and cared for and we can see the emphasis placed on making the house a loving place to raise a family. The serenity in this painting is masterfully managed. The classic Edwardian style and age of the home suggests pre 1900s making us envision the various families that must have enjoyed living here and still do to this day.
Light is proportioned well in A Front Garden in Muswell Hill making us think of Summer when flowers are beginning to bloom. It must be a sunny day as blooms are open drinking in the heavenly rays. You can almost smell the sweet aroma as you walk the stone path up to the front door. The painting provides an escape from the rigors of daily life and beacons us to slow down and drink in the simplicity and elegance of having our own front garden.
Is this painting of a real or imagined home?
This is actually someone’s home.
What About Muswell Hill captivates you? Why this area?
My family live in the area.
What plants gave you the inspiration for such vivid colour combinations?
The garden and pots were designed by the owner of the property and not by myself.
What is your favourite season to paint?
All seasons have something special about them, so I cannot honestly say that I have a favourite season.
Is This piece a part of a series or a one off?
No, it is a one off, as I was captivated by the arrangement of pots in this particular garden.
Florals seem to be a significant part of your chosen genre. Why do you feel so connected with floral pieces?
I am a very keen gardener and have been for many years and during the summer months I enjoy creating colour in my own garden, taking photos and sometimes, painting from them.
What drives you, as an artist to paint such remarkably comforting pieces?
I just paint what appeals to me and that colourful arrangement just begged to be painted.
View more artwork by Maureen Greenwood