What an amazing question. One that has been asked for centuries by scholars, art enthusiasts, and virtually people from all walks of life. The notion of definition seems to be vital to the very human fabric. We want to know where the defined edges of logic and the determining factor of various subjects truly lies. Although this is a very broad question to consider, we can attempt to determine if, in fact, art can be defined.
The Actual Defined Meaning of Art
For most of our definitive terms, we look to the dictionary for guidance. Thus, we can look at the word “Art” in the dictionary as well. Oxford Dictionaries define art as an expression or application of human creativity and imagination.
That definition doesn’t actually help us define what art is. There are, actually, quite a few animal artists that have produced some striking pieces throughout the years. Various monkeys, horses, and elephants have been noted as artists to a certain degree and by stating this, I in no way diminish the cognitive ability of the human species. I am simply pointing out that society sees animal art as valid as well.
What Art Means
The definition of what art actually is, according to the dictionary, and what art means are two very different entities. Where we work to define art in definitive terms, we also must examine what art means.
Art can mean something different to virtually everyone in the world. Some may use art to express their anger and hate brought on by an abusive relationship. However, others may use art as a way of working out a determining factor in their personal lives. Still, other individuals might utilize art as a means of expressing joy and elation for experiences they have overcome.
The meaning of art is truly endless as it means something very different to each of us. Even those that view art, but do not actually create it, can fall into a specific category.
While wandering a gallery, a non-artist can view paintings in very different ways. One might look at a piece of art and derive joy from colours and expressive characters in the piece while the very next person could bypass that reaction completely and consider the darker tones of the piece. Art can bring about sadness, happiness, provoke intense thought, and unlock emotions we may not have even considered are available to us. Art is a remarkable tool for emotional response from both the artist as well as the viewer.
Historical Significance of Art
Art, to some, might merely be a means of expression for their personal feelings, but how many artists have captured historic events and therefore told a significant story from a period of time. Ancient artwork, for example, was not painted on stretched canvas, but on cave walls. Some might regard these paintings as merely decorative. Maybe they were a form of decoration, but many of these ancient art pieces were a way to tell stories. Without written language, stories were passed down orally and through pictures.
No matter why they were drawn or who made them, these images will forever be a way to look into the past and determine what might have been going on at that time. The same notion can be gained from looking at more modern paintings from eras such as Victorian, Medieval, and Renaissance periods in our existence. Tapestries, stone carvings, sculpture, and even everyday pottery pieces can be looked at as pieces of art.
Who Determines What Art Is?
This question can be another difficult thing to answer. While attending art school, art is often defined as a series of techniques that should be mastered in order to gain a degree. Expressionism, impressionism, and abstract are just a few of the many art styles a traditionally taught artist must learn. Teachers can often be very adept at teaching these styles, but they can also be very abrupt to certain students who prefer to wander outside the lines of conventional art.
As for the self taught artist, they are not generally bound by the scope of a teacher’s thought on their technique. Some of the most gifted artists in the world have never set foot in a traditional art classroom. Who then tells them if their pieces are good enough for the art world? Their Colleagues? Friends? Society? Where do they go for input on their ability to create works of art?
These are questions that can be a challenge to answer. Largely, the artist might claim they are defined by what type of art sells the best. Where artists should share their work, why should they define their art genre by monetary values? A myriad of artists are known for creating fascinating pieces without ever actually making any money from their artwork, so this notion is invalid as well.
Can Anyone Be an Artist?
Another thought provoking question. It is human nature to have thoughts, feelings, and emotions. These are expressed through various means. Some write them down while others might pour their emotions into every meal they cook. Some of the most influential people are molding young minds each day impacting the future of our society. Although these genres are not generally regarded as art, can they be?
A chef can create art through food, while a writer can paint a picture with their words, and we all have a teacher that has had a positive impact on our personal lives. Although they are not traditional artists, they remain as valid and important entities, so who are we to say anyone cannot be an artist?
Let us Try to Define Art Finally
I actually do not think it possible to place parameters on what is art and who can create it. Art is among the most subjective entities on the planet. It is just as individualized as each of the almost 8 billion people roaming the earth as we speak. Art is determined by the artist initially. What they envision as their personal art, becomes theirs and can be presented to the world as art.
Secondly, the viewer. Again, we are all individuals and can determine what is art in our own mind. The viewer has the power to positively or negatively affect the artist’s vision. Although there was a time when art was viewed through the scope of galleries only, in our digital world, we can see artists from all over the globe with the touch of a button. We have the power to empower that artist with our impression of their work or, thanks to ongoing negativity across social media platforms, we can strip it away.
The truth of the matter is, art is not actually able to be defined. It is what we feel and see as beautiful, disturbing, thought provoking, or a plethora of other emotions. If you have a desire to become an artist, let nothing and no one stop you. You are subject to your own mind and you have to remember others are too. If you believe something needs to be said through artist expression, then express it. Everyone may not like it or understand it, but that should not matter. It is your art, your vision, so own it!