Amanda J Aspinall is an abstract artist. In her painting below, she uses her skill to create a sound composition from the elements of colour and texture. She gives herself freedom to explore the artwork and assign your own meaning to the piece. The painting is made up of soft lines, bold shapes and mixtures of colours. The colours used are mainly blacks, yellows, grays and blues. This gives the painting a sense of order which helps you focus on what you’re looking at rather than getting distracted by other things around it. This also makes it easy for your eyes to follow around when viewing from different angles so that’s important too. The artist wanted people who looked at this piece to think how they feel about themselves as well as what others might think about them. She wants us all to be happy with ourselves no matter what our differences are because we all have something special inside us somewhere but sometimes it takes someone else noticing first before we can see it ourselves.
Amanda likes abstract art because it allows you to come up with your own interpretation. One person might see one thing in a painting, while another sees something completely different, yet a moment later the two people can look back and see how their interpretations have changed. This piece is like a deep breath of fresh air. You’re looking at a painting that has a lot of movement, but it’s not hectic or chaotic —- it’s just calm and relaxing. It has plenty of detail and colour, but it doesn’t overwhelm you. It’s soothing, but keeps your eyes engaged.
Why do you love abstract art? Is there an element of art you enjoy working more than abstract? Why?
I love abstract art because it gives me the freedom to express myself through pure consciousness, rhythm and emotion. It’s a kind of therapy for me, it has always been a part of my life. Creating art is so incredibly liberating and fun, it’s a place where I can get lost in my very own adventures with no rules or consequences, always curious where it’s going to take me.
How much time does it take to complete this painting?
Time is irrelevant when creating art, each and every piece of my paintings are different. One can take a day, one can take a week, one can take a month and so on.
Did you always want to be an artist?
I have always wanted to create since my early childhood. So the answer to this is yes. I remember as a child being extremely excited looking forward to Christmas Day to receive my colouring book and pens from Santa of course.
Do your other interests influence your art?
They do, I’m fascinated with quantum physics and curious why we are here. I practise yoga and meditation each day which gives me a great clear mindset. Art has truly been my healer throughout my life’s journeys.
What art do you most identify with?
The art I mostly identify with is abstract expressionism. It’s my great fascination with creating texture combined with electrifying energy. I love to grab the empty space around with the paint creating its own form on the canvas.
View more artwork by AJAspinall