Accidentally Discovered Irregularity In Verbal Communication by Robert Andler-Lipski
Accidentally Discovered Irregularity In Verbal Communication by Robert Andler-Lipski


While the title of Robert Andler-Lipski’s artwork makes you pause for a moment and look at it again, the image itself has the same effect. It presents a perfectly balanced composition where textured elements alternate with smooth areas and the red dots and lines within it stand out against the grey background.

‘Accidentally Discovered Irregularity in Verbal Communication’ is an abstract artwork created in mixed media on canvas. “Mixed media and collage techniques can give me artistic freedom: I do what I imagine, what I have seen into my soul, I do what I want and how I want it”, says the artist when talking about his techniques.

How can we interpret the title? The irregularity can be suggested by the textured lines that may have been placed on the canvas “accidentally” thus creating a harmonious artwork that is both aesthetically pleasing and intellectually accomplished.

Admiring an artwork is not just about its beauty but also about the message it is trying to convey. “Inspiration comes from everywhere and it is a never ending process. Music, landscapes, other artworks, the texture of the clouds in the sky, even people talking on the street, colours, shapes, words – sometimes proverbs, textures, music lines, emotions, thoughts, my own internal and external worlds… I love to create some kind of simplicity using complicated components.”

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