What do you see with when you look at modern abstract art? Do you see with the same part of you which sees the world around you?
Whether you consider that you view the world with your eyes, your mind or your heart, or perhaps a combination of all three, what you see is nothing more, and nothing less, than your own interpretation of the world.
You see the world as you expect to see it, focussing on the aspects of the world to which you have become accustomed, which feel familiar, comfortable, predictable.
Modern abstract art serves perhaps at least two purposes, in both complementing and supporting our own interpretation of the world, and also contradicting it, confronting us with a new way of seeing the world around us, or at least one part of it.
To discover more about how you perceive the world, and modern abstract art, visit https://www.art2arts.co.uk/ and browse hundreds of styles by dozens of artists.

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