White Tiger Drawing ‘On the Prowl’ by Sarah Dowson
‘On the Prowl’ is a magnificent white Tiger original coloured pencil drawing by Sarah Dowson. Drawn with professional artist coloured pencil on a Bristol Board. Time taken to draw this lovely tiger was around 12 hours. A lover of all wildlife, especially big cats, my drawing is a realistic illustration of this beautiful animal.
The artwork would be an ideal gift for wildlife lovers, especially those who love tigers. It comes signed on the front and back by me, Sarah Dowson. The size is 8x11in (20 x 27.5cm approx.) unmounted, 11x14in (27.7in x35cm approx.) mounted, the size of the frame required.
Questions to the Artist
Firstly are coloured pencils your preferred medium for your wildlife artworks?
I love coloured pencils and they have fast become my favourite. I love watercolour too and often combine the two! A marriage made in heaven.
The detail in the drawing is outstanding, how do you achieve such a realistic effect?
Drawing with coloured pencils is a very slow process. The realism is achieved by drawing many, many soft layers and blending them. The finest details are added in the last two or three layers.
What is your favourite subject matter to draw/paint and why?
My favourite subjects are animals, both pets and wildlife. I have never lived without pets in my life and have always been interested in wildlife, even as a small child. Today, I will paint almost any animal or bird. Anything from fur to feather! The vast array of colours and textures found in them is fascinating to see and a real challenge to draw. I love an art challenge.
Which artist, if any, have inspired you?
There are many who have inspired me. I am self taught and my skills are learned from the many fantastic artists on YouTube who offer a huge selection of tutorials for people like me.
Finally how long have you been creating your beautiful artworks?
I started around fifteen years ago when I retired as a midwife. It started as play and I drew pets only, but then people started to commission me to paint pet portraits.
It was after we moved into the countryside that I started to paint other animals. I don’t have my studio up and running yet, as we have just moved house but here is a photo of me drawing at my dining room table. I love to draw here as I can keep my husband company.