If you want to broaden your horizons or perhaps enjoy a new hobby in 2020, getting artier is an excellent way of gaining a better appreciation of the engaging and exciting world of art.
If you have a little extra time on your hands this year or just want to enjoy more artwork, then here are a few ways that you can be more ‘arty’ this year.
Go to a gallery
If you want to start the year off right and gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of art, then a visit to some local or national galleries is a great place to begin.
Not only does a trip to a gallery give you the chance to check out the latest contemporary artists making a splash in the art world, it also gives you an insight into the subject in general. If you want to find out a little more about art history, then the National Gallery in London is well worth a visit.
If you want to totally immerse yourself in art quickly, then London is the place to be as it has plenty of galleries dotted all over the city making it perfect if you don’t have the time or inclination to travel all over the UK visiting galleries.
Start a collection
Not many art collectors have an unlimited budget, but anyone can start collecting art for fun as it costs far less than you might think.
Many new and emerging artists sell their artwork at much lower prices than established figures in the art world, so starting a collection doesn’t need to be expensive if you know where to look.
As long as you like the piece and would be happy to hang it on your walls, then it’s a good investment and can help you start to build up a good portfolio and become a little more arty in 2020.
Give art a try!
All great artists have to start somewhere, and even if you’re no Turner or Picasso as long as you enjoy getting your paints or pastels on canvas then who cares! Being more arty means having the opportunity to give it a go yourself, so don’t be afraid to go to your local art materials stockists and treat yourself to a few pieces of equipment to help get you started.
You never know, you could actually be a budding artist in the making but just don’t know it yet!