Bernadetta, have you always wanted to be an artist?
When I was a little girl, my grandmother took me to her friend whose husband was an artist. I deliberately looked into his studio and admired this magical atmosphere. I think it was the time when I was enchanted and dreamed about such a life. Unfortunately, for a very, very long time, it was an unspoken dream. I have always been a creative person and close to art but thanks to the support of my husband, passion has become my profession and a way of life.

You have a keen interest in interior design, how does this influence your work?
Interior design and art are very closely related. These are the sisters who complement and inspire each other. When I create something, beautiful interiors inspire me. It may be an old cottage with folk elements or a stylish baroque palace. I paint pictures that I would hang in my house. I love the interior filled with original paintings because they give the room an individual character and say a lot about the taste and character of the owner.
You have been recently featured in House & Garden magazine; can you tell us more about this?
My three paintings were presented in this year is January, February and March editions of “The Art Edit.” This invitation was a big surprise for me and huge happiness. I received information that my works aroused great interest and fit the presented formula of the magazine. It is a big joy when my passion for painting and home design has been appreciated. The magazine featured paintings titled: “Nobody Know”, “Feminine Power” and “Still Life 0512”.

You specialise in figurative and flora painting, has this always been your style of choice and so why?
Is there anything more beautiful than nature and people :)? I see lots of beautiful women on the streets and I live in a unique area. Trentham is a place of beautiful Italian gardens, it’s a real feast for an eye … nothing but paint!
How would you describe your creative process?
I try to paint every day. After I take my children to school, I put on an apron and voila! I disappear into my colorful world! There are a million ideas in my head and so far there is no problem with running out of ideas; the main problem is that there is no time to implement them all. I often paint on commission but create for clients who give me full freedom when I use their ideas. I create very spontaneously and it’s not always a precise plan; often the final effect is surprising to me. And I like it the most because it defines my personality. For me, creating is having fun with the canvas. I’m constantly discovering and still learning.
Where do you seek inspiration?
Well, inspiration is in the world around me, its colors and people. For me, what drives me inside is important. It’s a positive and colorful energy that I want to transfer onto canvas. I’m drawing this energy from my life and family. Children deliver me crazy happiness, and my hubby creates the best conditions for work. Cheerfulness, stability and peace give me the power to create.

Which artist, living or deceased most inspire/ influence your work?
I permanently admire the work of Egon Schiele, Kees van Dongen and Anna Swynerton. This is for me three outstanding artists who represent different styles and techniques, but one of their common points is figurative style. In my work, I get something from each one of them. I’m full of appreciation for many contemporary artists and I don’t hide that I also have my favorites in Art2Arts gallery.
Do you like to listen to music when you create, if so what sort of music do you listen?
Usually, I work in silence and concentration. This is the time when I arrange all my plans and events, conduct a dialogue with myself, I hope, not out loud! 🙂 If the weather allows it, I work in the garden and then the greatest music is the singing of the birds. I must, however, tell you about one exemption. One of my paintings was inspired by music and created especially for the album cover of a prog-rock band called SubLunar. It was a unique challenge for me and I’m happy that my painting is part of this ambitious and niche music. The album and the painting have the same title: “A Welcome Memory Loss”.

If you had one piece of advice for someone seeking a career in art what would it be?
I’m not the best adviser but I’m proud of my achievement, I am still fulfilling my dreams and my work is a joy. Each of you can pursue your dream! If you love to paint then don’t wait for a better moment, don’t seek excuses – just paint! paint! paint! (this is what my mentor Adam Razik* said to me. (*polish artist, teacher and one of the artists involved in the creation of the movie “Loving Vincent”).
If you had a dinner party and could invite 3 guests, living or deceased who would they be and why?
The answer is obvious! It will be Anna Swynerton, Kees van Dongen and Egon Schiele, of course! It would be a very interesting meeting and a very constructive lesson for me. I think I should also invite Monica Bellucci. She will be the perfect model. After such a meeting, an ideal portrait will be created ;).

What does the future look for you?
I want to paint more and improve my current technique. Now I work in acrylic and oil but I hope that soon it will also be watercolor. With optimism, I look into the future and I’m hoping that the next years will be as creative as ever.
View Bernadetta’s full gallery.