The lockdown period has been particularly tough on little ones who perhaps are too young to grasp the reasons why we are being told to stay at home. We know that many parents have found it a real challenge to keep young minds entertained with new activities that are both fun and educational.
Art offers a creative outlet for youngsters of all ages, so to keep the kids happy and parents sane before schools reopen, here are a few artistic activities which can be easily enjoyed without any specialist materials being required.
Illustrate their favourite story
All children have their favourite stories, and as parents are urged to spend more time reading to their offspring to improve their literacy and vocabulary skills during the lockdown, this two-fold activity can really help unleash their inner creativity.
Ask your child to choose their favourite story, read it together again and then ask them to draw or paint a scene of their choice from the book.
For slightly older children, why not ask them to add another short chapter to the book themselves and create an illustration to go with it?
Create a collage
If you’ve got a handful of different materials to hand but aren’t sure what to do with them, sitting down with your children to create a collage is an excellent way of using whatever you have to create a unique piece of art.
Using a little child-safe glue, pipe cleaners, coloured paper or even pictures cut out of old books that your children have outgrown or magazines, it easy to come up with a colourful collage without having to leave the house in search of materials.
If you don’t have any glue in the house, you can easily whip up a basic paste from flour and water that will do the job just as well.
Family Tree
If you’ve been thinking of a little at-home history for your children, then a family tree is a great way of delving into the past in a way that children of a young age will understand.
Highly visual, interesting and perfect for children for aged 6 and beyond, even adults will enjoy researching into the history of their own family and you also get the opportunity to paint or draw a beautiful tree where you can note down any relatives you find during your search.
Recreating famous paintings
Every artist starts out trying to recreate famous paintings to either practice their hands or study traditional techniques. This could be a good practice when you first try your brush and not sure where to start. Our artist, Bernadetta Dziubinski who is also a mum of two, together with her children came up with the idea to create a creative group for children and use the art to fight boredom. “We created the Trentham BoredomBusters group on Facebook. It’s amazing how wonderful things are created by young artists and how much passion there is in them. It turns out that painting has attracted not only the kids but also their parents. It’s a great experience and a lot of joy for kids, parents and for me too. Children copy famous artist masterpieces, implement their ideas and they are very very creative. Who knows, maybe in the near future their paintings might be found on Art2Arts gallery.”