Artistic creation has evolved for thousands of years, with millions of inspired minds all making their own contribution. Though one thing has remained constant, the need to sell the finished product. Artists need to make a living just like anyone else, which means finding a buyer to purchase or commission their work. This can often be difficult in such a saturated market, especially if you’re just starting out as a professional artist. If you’re new on the scene, or you’re a veteran who’s struggling to sell your artwork, then this guide should help you get it into the hands of the right buyer.

Many artists will attempt to sell their work privately by themselves, directly to a dealer or buyer. This can be difficult and very time consuming because it means you not only have to be an artist, but you have to be a business person as well. After spending a lot of time on the creative process itself, you need to make sure that potential buyers are aware of your products. Effectively marketing yourself and making your art easily accessible is a job in itself, especially in such a large and constantly growing industry. Becoming part of an already existing online art marketplace like Art2Arts is a great way to ease the pressure. It is much easier for art collectors and dealers to find your work if it is part of a more established catalogue.

It is important to identify the type of buyers that your art appeals to. By being aware of the interests and preferences of your target audience, you will have a better sense of how to appeal to them. For example, if the style of your work is more popular with older generations then you know to promote yourself at auctions or exhibitions that display similar works.

Although it’s true that the world is moving online and digital technology is taking over, face to face interaction is still an integral part of selling your artwork. Being present at an exhibition, while potential buyers browse your work, can be extremely valuable. Meeting the artist gives admirers the chance to learn more about the piece, and lets them ask any questions they might have regarding the inspiration or concept behind it. The creation and appreciation of art is personal and physical, so by interacting with people you will be able to promote yourself as well as your work.


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