Flowers in vases, fruits and vegetables in bowls, bottles and glasses on tables – these are just a few compositions specific to still life paintings that we are all familiar with. Painted in oil, acrylic or mixed media, still life paintings are very popular with both artists and collectors.
For artists, a still life painting is the challenge to convey a pre-arranged group of inanimate objects into a coherent image that respects some artistic elements like composition, light, shadow, and contrast. For collectors, a still life artwork is something they can relate to and understand, while being visually appealing and therefore popular with the general public.
Collecting still life artworks painted by different artists in various styles and belonging to different eras can be a rewarding hobby. Hung on the walls, they can offer a splendid collection of colourful flowers while carrying the viewer through the history of household items and vase designs and patterns.
Even though still life wasn’t always at the top of art genre’s hierarchy, many famous artists depicted inanimate objects and vases with flowers that remained iconic throughout the years. Still Life with Apples by Cézanne and Still Life with Sunflowers by Van Gogh are just two titles that everyone is familiar with.
In the contemporary art scene, still life compositions continue to enchant our senses through a variety of images and techniques. Flowers, vases and fruits are still popular today and we can admire such images in galleries and exhibitions as well as in private homes.