Light takes many forms in visual art. Whether we are looking at a landscape, a still life piece or an abstract artwork, our eyes are drawn towards highlights and dark areas to discover the image in front of us.
In a landscape we may see the sun and various shadows, thus giving the artwork perspective and depth.
In a seascape we may see the sun’s or the moon’s reflection on the water, a skilful process that we all admire.
In a still life composition we discover where the light is coming from, projecting the objects’ shadows on the table, wall or on the other objects.
In abstract art, the interplay of darkness and light gives rhythm, a balanced composition and meaning to the artwork.
“I think light is important to all painters or at least I feel it should be. Light surrounds us, it is part of everything we see, we respond to it emotionally, it defines our world, light is energy and it can lift our spirits capturing our imaginations. In the same way light lifts a painting, it emphasises features through highlights and shadows and it brings depth”, says Simon Kenny when talking about the importance of light in art.
Here is a selection of artworks by Art2Arts artists that demonstrate an excellent use of light. Enjoy!