Winter Glow by Aisha Haider

It’s mid-winter now and we are in lockdown 3 and we are so pleased to see that our artists are still creating and still getting inspired by their surroundings. “Winter Glow” by Aisha Haider is such a painting inspired by the artist’s walks in the countryside. The vivid colours are a mixture of real colours (we did have spectacular sunsets lately!) and the artist’s imagination. We asked Aisha a few questions about her creative process and inspiration for this painting and we noted the answers below. We are also lucky to get a peek into Aisha’s studio; isn’t it lovely?


Aisha Haider's studio
Aisha Haider’s studio

Where did the inspiration come from for this piece?

I have always been inspired by my regular rural countryside walks which I enjoy with my family.  I especially love the sky at sunset and the trees.  I often fantasise vivid colourful hues in the sky that might not be there but which I think would look beautiful if it were there.

What is the creative process when creating your colourful art?

I have always had a very vivid creative imagination and often mingle what I see before me and what I imagine together.
I am very spontaneous when it comes to art.  I will usually become sometimes inspired by anything really and will go into my studio and make rough brush marks on the canvas to lay out the idea I have in my head before it goes away.

How long would this work have taken you?

To create something like this beautiful landscape it usually takes me about a week and a half.
View Aisha’s gallery.
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