Where did the inspiration come from for this piece?
The inspiration for this piece came from a long meandering walk in the countryside in North Yorkshire. Gazing over the pretty fields and lanes I noticed how the gentle breeze was blowing the petals from the vibrant flowers dispersing them into the air like confetti. As I passed by these sweet-smelling blooms I knew that this memory was going to be captured onto my next canvas and ‘Walking On Sunshine’ was the result!

What is the creative process when creating your vibrant colourful art?
Initially, I put down loose gestural marks on the canvas with a large brush, gradually building up layers with washes of colour, and infusing different areas with light. In between the layers I like to use my palette knife quite randomly to add texture and movement. At this stage I let the painting sit for a while taking a look from different angles deciding on my next move!
I don’t like my paintings to look too perfect, so I usually mess them up a little by adding more paint with my fingers creating more of an abstract look and inviting the viewer to find hidden gems within the canvas. I tie it all together by adding a final glaze and usually finish with satin varnish.
How long would this work have taken you?
This piece took around 3 weeks to complete and is one in a series of three paintings.