Jan 2025 Artist of the monthContemporary Art

This month we have selected 5 contemporary artists creating original art for our Artists of the Month.  From the tranquil landscapes Jennifer Taylor to the realistic animal art of Kaz Turner. I’m sure you’ll agree, we have chosen some great artists again this month. Art2Arts the first choice gallery to buy art. From a wide selection of art by our amazing contemporary artists.


Jennifer Taylor

Art is captivating and brings true joy to the soul, it is something that should be savoured and treasured. Art is something that makes life magical and enjoyable. It is my lifelong passion to create artwork that enhances these feelings, and brings this magic into your life. 

I started painting as a young child, dreaming up imaginary places and bringing them to life as paintings and drawings. In 2008 I abandoned my everyday job to follow a creative path full-time, and I have been painting and creating daily ever since. 

Every painting is created from the heart, brimming with colour, light and imagination.  



Kaz Turner

Ever since I was a child, I have always had an interest in the concepts of visual art. In my teens I began to write and illustrate and continued to do so as a hobby.

I pursued an artistic career for a short while, although circumstances led me to a change in career. However, life moves on and I left it all behind for family commitments.

Much later, I re-engaged with my creative ability, attending art classes. This led me to a Fine Art pre degree, which I found quite challenging as I’m more of a detail person. I went on to study for an Honours Degree in Illustration for Children’s Publishing. Here I found my interest in animal art with the use of Pastels.

Since then, I have attended many Wildlife Exhibitions. As well as holding my own individual displays, I have been represented by UK galleries. Recently coming first in an animal Art competition, as well as being runner up the previous year. I also run my own workshops and teach classes to private individuals and Art societies in addition to being available for commissions.



Julia Birst

My name is Julia Birst. I have been a self-taught artist since 2015. At that time drawing saved me from depression. Nine years have passed since then, and I can no longer live without brushes. 

I was born in Kazakhstan, in Almaty city; but for more than 16 years I have been living in Berlin, Germany. 

My first steps in drawing were with gouache, mastering watercolour and oil on my own. I also studied Chinese Wu-Xing painting and calligraphy. My skills grew and it was really important to learn how to create professional unique masterpieces. I started to learn the basics of academic painting and composition, and botanical illustration. 

Since then, I have been studying with leading artists and monitoring current trends in art. I like to experiment with different materials and techniques. Mostly I draw in the technique of realism. I love landscapes, including urban ones, and I also like to convey the state and mood of nature. Including botanical illustration, I love plants and I am happy to depict flowers, fruits, vegetables. All my paintings are about the love of nature. 



Kestutis Jauniskis

Artists Statement: I always wanted to live my life as an artist. Being in nature is very important and forms the most significant inspiration for my work. Living in the city, I like to observe the shapes of the old town houses and convey them in my own unique way in my paintings. This inspires me a lot.

Born in Vilnius (Lithuania) 1982-86 Vilnius Fine Arts School Kestutis. Jauniskis was born in 1961 in Vilnius, the capital of the Republic of Lithuania. Graduating from Vilnius school of Fine Arts in 1985, Jauniskis became interested in the concept of scale, abstraction and abstract painting. The fragments of his native old town were deeply embedded in his memory and so began to profoundly inspire his work. Mixing both abstracted elements with those from his imagination he hopes to create a sense of optimism and light which is fundamental to all his work. As an international artist Kestutis holds exhibitions in many countries. He has participated in a group exhibition titled ‘The Modern Lithuanian Art’ at the Museum of Modern Art in Valencia, Spain. His works are held in numerous private collections.



 Kate Kelly

Artists statement: ‘I love to paint wonderful memories and joyful feelings of living on the edge of the land – the Pembrokeshire coast’.

I think of colour as threads in the coastal landscape, dipping in and out, interlocked and inter-woven. Sometimes the bold colours are replaced with ribbon gauzes and organdy passages that can end in frayed textural edges. All employed to conjure that moment in time and place.

Layers of texture are added to establish atmospheric coastal conditions – such as a moody sea fret, the waning of the day or the drama of sheer cliffs that have been shaped by wind and tide.
Some paintings are jewelled with colour – bright on a summer’s day, others more softly painted as the light changes. I carefully consider playful combinations of colour that give my work a distinctive voice.

My story is of a painter who loves being at the edge of the land, watching the skies and the light change on the sea. Always fascinated with the sense of space and freedom that being outdoors provides. There is drama, joy and peace in these moments and in my paintings. My hope for the future is to grow my audience and to delve deeper into my interpretation of this subject.



Bernadetta Dziubinski

Bernadetta Dziubinski (b.Strzyżów, Poland) is an artist living and working in Trentham (Staffordshire, UK). She is a member of the Society of Staffordshire Artists. Her great passion is art and interior design. 

The most important message of her work is to give joy and arouse positive emotions. In each painting (and there are over several hundred of them) is a play of colours and the discovery of new techniques. 

Her formal works focus on gesture and colour, emphasizing simple form, animated brushstrokes and bold palettes. Bernadettas’ works are highly abstract and very personal, a dynamic expression of feelings and spontaneous reactions. 

Her paintings were published in three issues of the prestigious “House & Garden” magazine. She created the cover of the band Sublunar’s album. Bernadetta’s paintings are in private and public collections in the UK, Poland, Germany, Brussels, Latvia, USA, Italy and Dubai.



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