Yulia Allan has contributed to our online magazine before, talking about her gorgeous artwork Bluebell Woods. Originally from Ukraine, Yulia has been living and working in picturesque Scotland for a number of years now and she considers herself a Scottish artist, building her reputation as an artist in her new homeland. Inspired by the natural world and her surroundings, Yulia creates bright landscapes and seascapes, capturing every season in her unique style. View her gallery for more and read this mini special interview for Christmas.

Do you give your art as a gift to family and friends?
I do give my paintings to my family and friends as gifts. I always get a lot of appreciation from them. It makes me feel good.
What painting are you most proud of this year?
This year I’m most proud of a commission I’ve just finished for a great client of mine. It’s a painting of the bridge. It was a real challenge for me because I don’t paint structures and although it’s a painting, it turned to be quite a technical artwork. My client is very pleased with her new painting and it makes me happy!
Where are you planning to spend Christmas this year?
We traditionally spend Christmas in our big house with our family. The real treat for my daughter is that her grandma always comes over from Ukraine to spend Xmas holidays with us.
What inspiration do you get from the festive season?
I always like making new year resolutions and new art plans for the next year. It really motivates me.