Not many artists can say that they have been commissioned by famous people to create a specific artwork for their homes, but Gillian Luff, one of our most popular artists, can. Commissioned by the actor, director and comedian Ricky Grover, known from Eastenders, Not going out, Getting on with Jo Brand, Big Fat Gypsy Gangster and more recently from being the face of Beagle Street, Gillian is an accomplished artist that creates statement abstract pieces inspired by mountains, clouds and seascapes.

Although she is known for her large paintings, for today’s post, we chose “Rhythm of the Sea”, the perfect abstract art for a smaller space, measuring a decent 16″ x 16″. What we like about this artwork is the colours and texture as well as the shimmering light from the liquid gold the artist used to complete the look. We talked to Gillian about this piece and we rather like the way she describes her inspiration and the creative process.
Where did the inspiration come from for this piece?
My art is predominately abstract and about the natural world skyscapes, seascapes, landscapes and the cosmos. I try to do it justice by capturing a moment in time of a moving, living entity. I love the movement of nebula’s, waves and clouds and the shapes they make are infinite, so my work is never-ending. I do use my ‘artistic licence’ with the colours I use and aim to create pieces that fit in with today’s contemporary tastes and decor, whether you are choosing a large statement piece or a smaller piece to complement other artwork in the room.

What is the creative process when creating your abstract art?
I normally start my artwork with texture to create depth. Then start the process of very many layers of oil glazes. I use top quality artists oils and pigments for longevity. I create my work to last several lifetimes.
How long would this work have taken you?
It takes many hours to create one of my artworks due to the glazes which have to dry between layers, I’m also a bit fanatical about my blending techniques. I would say it takes me three to four weeks to create a painting from start to finish. I like to build up enough depth and texture to give an almost 3-D effect, so it will change depending on where in the room it is viewed from.
View Gillian’s full gallery.