Many people love to travel the world to experience new cultures, explore new sights and to simply take a break from their everyday life at home. The community of artists here at Art2Arts are no different, with trips abroad often provoking so much inspiration that beautiful new pieces of art are created as soon as they arrive home. As a result, we have a large selection of paintings for sale on our art gallery that feature images gathered from all over the world! If you want to add some exotic flavour to your home with the next piece of art that you buy, why not join is in travelling around the world to find the perfect piece?
Paris: Last tango in Paris – Richard Young
There are two incredible things to point out about this beautiful image from Richard Young. First is the fact that it is not a photograph. With this figurative piece looking so realistic, you would be forgiven for thinking that this was a dramatically edited digital print of a photograph, but in fact, it was created using oil paints. Secondly, this was not painted using fine brushes to add the remarkable texture, but it was painted entirely by using a knife. Remarkable talent aside, this painting features a couple locked by lust whilst dancing the tango, in front of the iconic Parisian art gallery ‘Le Louvre’, transporting the viewer into the streets of the French capital, as they become onlookers to this dramatic event.
Rome: Arco Nascos – Hidden Archway – Michelle Gibbs
This oil painting for sale was made by Art2Arts gallery owner, Michelle Gibbs, after an inspirational trip away to Rome. A place filled with historic charm, it is no surprise that this holiday spawned a series of paintings when she arrived back in the UK! ‘Hidden archway’ highlights a peaceful moment for the artist, found away from the conventional touristic sights and in local backstreet. The piercing light shining down onto the shaded street is captured perfectly, making it a beautiful piece to add to any collection.
Barcelona: Back ally, Barcelona – Bill Mascall
Like Gibbs, Mascall has found inspiration in the unlikely backstreets of a faraway country. Rather than soft and peaceful however, this acrylic painting uses bold colours and block shapes to mimic the vibrant and bustling energy that can be found in Barcelona.
New York: New York taxi 3 – Philip Wilson
No trip around the world would be complete without a visit to the ‘big apple’ perhaps even more vibrant and bustling than the streets of Barcelona! This piece by Philip Wilson focusses on the famous New York taxi, a yellow flash of colour that will be impossible to miss when visiting this concrete jungle.
Using our handy search tool online at Art2Arts it is easy to browse our online art gallery to find pieces that feature your favourite country or city. Complete your world tour using beautiful pieces of art today!